Details of trading in Corporate Bonds - Archive - New

Details of Daily Trades in Corporate Bonds
  BSE NSE Grand Total
Date No. of Trades * Amount
(Rs. cr)*
No. of Trades* Amount
(Rs. cr)*
No. of Trades* Amount
(Rs. cr)*
1-Aug-07 34 360.00 18 431.60 52 791.60
2-Aug-07 53 241.43 25 248.40 78 489.83
3-Aug-07 39 142.44 22 99.30 61 241.74
6-Aug-07 27 74.51 26 171.40 53 245.91
7-Aug-07 39 133.26 28 147.70 67 280.96
8-Aug-07 53 365.65 46 366.80 99 732.45
9-Aug-07 52 388.23 32 337.56 84 725.79
10-Aug-07 52 369.33 20 92.52 72 461.85
13-Aug-07 40 147.61 14 64.30 54 211.91
14-Aug-07 56 328.85 8 26.50 64 355.35
16-Aug-07 34 186.53 15 49.22 49 235.75
17-Aug-07 31 100.66 17 94.00 48 194.66
20-Aug-07 1 0.30 0 0.00 1 0.30
21-Aug-07 53 333.46 24 83.70 77 417.16
22-Aug-07 56 211.54 16 60.00 72 271.54
23-Aug-07 47 170.44 14 85.70 61 256.14
24-Aug-07 31 118.72 19 236.11 50 354.83
27-Aug-07 34 119.67 16 132.90 50 252.57
28-Aug-07 39 186.24 20 182.52 59 368.76
29-Aug-07 49 132.92 16 50.35 65 183.27
30-Aug-07 35 56.22 13 61.40 48 117.62
31-Aug-07 36 100.95 7 22.90 43 123.85

* Comprises OTC trades and trades done on the exchange