Details of trading in Corporate Bonds - Archive - New

Details of Daily Trades in Corporate Bonds
  BSE NSE FIMMDA # Grand Total
Date No. of Trades * Amount
(Rs. cr)*
No. of Trades* Amount
(Rs. cr)*
No. of Trades* Amount
(Rs. cr)*
No. of Trades* Amount
(Rs. cr)*
3-Sep-07 36 65.72 2 15.00 4 16.10 42 96.82
4-Sep-07 16 10.42 3 5.18 7 21.50 26 37.10
5-Sep-07 14 33.65 5 70.00 5 19.10 24 122.75
6-Sep-07 25 113.68 7 95.00 11 43.70 43 252.38
7-Sep-07 22 189.05 2 6.00 4 50.00 28 245.05
10-Sep-07 26 77.61 6 68.00 7 109.00 39 254.61
11-Sep-07 22 38.86 1 14.50 5 53.40 28 106.76
12-Sep-07 31 32.77 6 112.60 11 12.40 48 157.77
13-Sep-07 31 23.37 11 110.60 6 10.70 48 144.67
14-Sep-07 22 46.62 3 30.00 8 12.40 33 89.02
17-Sep-07 16 92.90 5 30.00 6 55.20 27 178.10
18-Sep-07 16 89.44 18 61.20 13 75.60 47 226.24
19-Sep-07 30 140.17 12 33.00 11 86.50 53 259.67
20-Sep-07 51 193.22 46 237.70 20 101.25 117 532.17
21-Sep-07 83 383.59 56 431.30 44 263.90 183 1078.79
24-Sep-07 38 132.64 25 218.20 26 207.60 89 558.44
25-Sep-07 30 89.21 14 46.93 8 41.60 52 177.74
26-Sep-07 73 125.83 27 148.97 16 52.40 116 327.20
27-Sep-07 21 75.70 13 89.90 32 119.50 66 285.10
28-Sep-07 54 156.15 30 220.90 33 215.71 117 592.76

* Comprises OTC trades and trades done on the exchange
# In the case of FIMMDA, figures comprise only OTC trades reported (FIMMDA reporting platform became operational with effect from September 2007)