Outstanding Notional Value of Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs) Vs Assets Under Custody (AUC) of FPIs/deemed FPIs [Rs Crores]
Month Notional value of ODIs on Equity, Debt, Hybrid Securities & Derivatives * (INR cr) Notional value of ODIs on Equity, Debt & Hybrid Securites excluding Derivatives * (INR cr) Notional value of ODIs on Equity *
(INR cr)
Notional value of ODIs on Debt *
(INR cr)
Notional value of ODIs on Hybrid Securities * (INR cr) Notional value of ODIs on Derivatives * (INR cr) AUC of FPIs # (INR cr) Notional value of ODIs on Equity, Debt & Hybrid Securites excluding Derivatives as % of B
  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B C
Jan-24 1,43,011 1,43,011 1,25,835 16,731 445 - 66,96,994 2.14%
Feb-24 1,49,517 1,49,517 1,27,673 21,303 541 - 68,55,019 2.18%

*Figures compiled based on reports submitted by FPIs/deemed FPIs issuing ODIs
#Figures compiled based on reports submitted by custodians & does not includes positions taken by FPIs/deemed FPIs in derivatives.

Column A2 is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as only Equity & Debt excluding derivatives

Column A3 is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as Equity

Column A4 is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as Debt

Column A5 is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as Hybrid Securities.

Column A6 is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as derivatives.

Column C is being provided which depicts the Total Value of ODI issued -with underlying as only Equity, Debt & Hybrid Securities excluding derivatives- as percentage of Assets under custody