PRATIP KAR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE/MANAGING DIRECTOR/ IIMARP/10772/93 EXECUTIVE TRUSTEE/CHIEF EXECUTIVE/ July 14, 1993 PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANAGER Canbank Mutual Fund/Unit Trust of India/ SBI Funds Management Ltd/BOI Mutual Fund/ LIC Mutual Fund/GIC Mutual Fund/ Indian Bank Mutual Fund/PNB Mutual Fund/ BOB Mutual Fund Dear Sir, Sub : Reporting by Mutual Funds – New Scheme Returns. In terms of Regulation 55(i) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1993, the Board has prescribed New Scheme Report to be submitted by all Mutual Funds. The prescribed formats of the Report, viz., Form "A" and "B", are enclosed herewith. Further all Mutual Funds are hereby advised to adhere to the undermentioned time frame in respect of all new schemes.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE/MANAGING DIRECTOR/ IIMARP/10772/93 EXECUTIVE TRUSTEE/CHIEF EXECUTIVE/ July 14, 1993 PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANAGER Canbank Mutual Fund/Unit Trust of India/ SBI Funds Management Ltd/BOI Mutual Fund/ LIC Mutual Fund/GIC Mutual Fund/ Indian Bank Mutual Fund/PNB Mutual Fund/ BOB Mutual Fund
Dear Sir,
Sub : Reporting by Mutual Funds – New Scheme Returns.
In terms of Regulation 55(i) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1993, the Board has prescribed New Scheme Report to be submitted by all Mutual Funds. The prescribed formats of the Report, viz., Form "A" and "B", are enclosed herewith.
Further all Mutual Funds are hereby advised to adhere to the undermentioned time frame in respect of all new schemes.
Open ended Schemes
Close ended Schemes
Open ended schemes
Close ended schemes
….2/- - 2 - Please note that, New Scheme Returns in the prescribed Form "A" must be submitted within 90 days from the closing date of the scheme or the initial subscription period. The prescribed Report in Form "B" shall be submitted by all Mutual Funds within 115 days from the closing date of the scheme or the initial subscription period. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the letter. Yours faithfully, PRATIP KAR
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Please note that, New Scheme Returns in the prescribed Form "A" must be submitted within 90 days from the closing date of the scheme or the initial subscription period. The prescribed Report in Form "B" shall be submitted by all Mutual Funds within 115 days from the closing date of the scheme or the initial subscription period.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of the letter.
Yours faithfully,