Investment Details of VCF/FVCI

Industry wise Cumulative Investment Details of SEBI Registered Venture Capital Funds (VCF) and Foreign Capital Investors (FVCI)

Particulars as on March 31, 2024 (Rs. in Crore)
Sectors of Economy VCF FVCI Total*
Information technology 318 2,040 2,357
Telecommunications 34 494 529
Pharmaceuticals 24 658 682
Biotechnology 70 - 70
Media/ Entertainment 49 219 268
Services Sector 687 1,649 2,336
Industrial Products 329 188 517
Others 2,307 48,673 50,980
Total 3,818 53,922 57,739

*VCFs registered under erstwhile SEBI (Venture Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996.
Note: The above report is compiled on the basis of quarterly information submitted to SEBI by registered Venture Capital Funds and Foreign Venture Capital