Expert Committee for listing of equity share capital of companies incorporated in India on foreign exchanges and vice versa
Companies incorporated in India can today list their debt securities on international exchanges (Masala Bonds) but their equity share capital can be listed abroad only through the ADR / GDR route. Similarly, companies incorporated outside India can access the Indian capital markets only through the IDR route. Thus, presently, direct listing of equity share capital of companies incorporated in India is not permitted on foreign exchanges and vice versa.
Considering the evolution and internationalization of the Capital Markets, it would be worthwhile to consider facilitating companies incorporated in India to directly list their equity share capital abroad and vice versa. In this regard, it has been decided to constitute an Expert Committee to look into this aspect in detail.
The broad Terms of Reference of the Committee would be to –
The composition of the expert committee is as under:
Sl. No.
Co-founder, Managing Director & CEO; Avendus Capital Pvt. Ltd.
Cyril S. Shroff
Managing Partner;
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
Kamal Yadav
Managing Director;
Morgan Stanley’s Technology,
Media and Telecom Banking
S. Ramesh
Managing Director & CEO;
Neeraj Bhargava
Senior Managing Director & CEO;
Deep Kalra
Chairman & Group CEO;
Rajiv Gupta
Partner; Singapore
Latham & Watkins LLP
Global Head of Accounting Advisory Services. KPMG, LLP
Sujit Prasad
Executive Director;
Securities and Exchange Board of India