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Settlement Calculator BETA


This calculator is made in accordance with the computation matrix provided in Schedule II of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Settlement Proceedings) Regulations, 2018 (“Settlement Regulations, 2018”). This calculator would guide the User to arrive at the indicative settlement amount which is normally arrived at by inputting values to various factors identified under Regulation 10 and Schedule II of the Settlement Regulations, 2018. Such indicative settlement amount is subject to modifications as deemed fit by the Internal Committee, High Powered Advisory Committee and the Panel of Whole Time Members. In appropriate cases there may also be levy of non-monetary settlement terms in accordance with Regulation 9 of the Settlement Regulations, 2018.

How to use the Settlement Calculator

Guidelines for arriving at Settlement Terms (As per Schedule II of the Settlement Regulations, 2018)

  1. The settlement amount (SA) shall comprise of the Indicative Amount (IA) arrived at in terms of these guidelines and the factors provided in regulation 10 of the Settlement Regulations, wherever applicable.
  2. The IA shall not be less than Rupees 3 lakh for first time applicants or Rupees 7 lakh for others, as the case may be
    Explanation.-A ‘first time applicant’ is a person against whom no order has been passed by the adjudicating officer or by the Board or who has never obtained a settlement order from the Board as on the date of the present application.
  3. Based on the stage at which the proceeding(s), for which the application is made, is/are pending, the proceeding conversion factor (PCF) shall be applied when calculating the IA.
  4. In cases, where an existing business or activity of a person is either corporatized or converted into an LLP or partnership or merged or taken over by a new management, the existing record of the erstwhile entity shall be deemed to be the record of the new entity. Considerations including insolvency, change of name or management or ownership, etc., shall be considered in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Board, if any, from time to time.
  5. PCF for Applications made voluntary or seeking settlement with confidentiality: Where an entity desires to obtain the benefit of a lower PCF, it may, suo motto, before the receipt of any notice to show cause, intimate the Board of such default hereinafter referred to as ‘intimation defaults’ and co-operate with the Board in the investigation, inquiry, inspection or audit. Such an application shall be deemed to have been made ‘Pre- issue of notice to show cause’ for the purpose of calculating the PCF.
  6. The IA shall be calculated per count of default, jointly or separately as per the facts and circumstances of the case, in accordance with these guidelines
  7. While considering the application, the alleged default(s) detailed in the Inspection Report or the Investigation Report or the Report of the Designated Authority (DA) or the notice to show cause, including any supplementary notice to show cause issued by any authority in a pending proceeding, or the facts/findings detailed in the order of the Designated Member (DM) or the Whole Time Member (WTM) or the Adjudicating Officer (AO) or the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), as applicable, may be the basis for calculating the IA.
    In case, the Internal Committee (IC) or the High Powered Advisory Committee (HPAC) or the Panel of Whole Time Members (WTMs) are of the opinion that the facts disclose a different default, the modification of the charge(s) may be sought.
  8. The alleged defaults shall, wherever applicable, be categorised based on the facts and circumstances by the IC or HPAC or the Panel of WTMs.
  9. Notwithstanding anything contained in these guidelines, the IC or HPAC or Panel of WTMs shall have the discretion to recommend acceptance or rejection or accept or reject an application, to recommend an amount, lower or higher than the amounts arrived at in terms of these guidelines, for reasons to be recorded, in accordance with the provisions of securities laws, considering the facts and circumstances of the case and the gravity of the charges.
  10. In case the applicant is body corporate, the IC or HPAC or Panel of WTMs may require that the SA payable by a body corporate is to be paid by the officers in default including the persons in charge of the body corporate to avoid burdening investors holding securities issued by the body corporate:
    Explanation. – The principle in clause 10 may be applied mutatis mutandis to the sponsor, manager, or trustee (by whatever name called) of a trust, the karta of a Hindu Undivided Family, the office bearers of an association of persons, as the case may be.
  11. In cases where the formulae for calculating the IA are inapplicable or cannot be adapted due to the peculiar nature of the default or the facts and circumstances of the case or where the defaults detailed in the Tables in these guidelines are not covered, the IC or HPAC or Panel of WTMs may arrive at the SA, as they deem fit.
  12. The applicant shall be provided opportunity of hearing or meeting only before the Internal Committee.
  13. In case of more than one proceeding arising from the same cause of action has been initiated against the applicant, the IA shall be increased by 20%.
  14. In case the applicant is charged for non-disclosure under Regulations relating to Open Offer [SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, and any subsequent similar regulations] and PIT [Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, and any subsequent similar regulations], the highest of the Base Amount arrived at for such charges shall be reduced by 75%.
  15. The amount which is finally approved by the Panel of Whole Time Members is the Settlement Amount.