Outstanding Corporate bonds – From Sep 2020 Quarter

Issues and Redemptions and Total Outstanding Corporate Debt *
    Opening Balance Issues during the quarter Redemptions during the quarter Inter Depository transfers(net value) Demat/ Remat transactions (Net value) Others (if any) Closing balance
Quarter Type of Instruments Number of Issuers Opening No. of instruments Outstanding Opening Outstanding Amount (Rs. In crores) Number of Issuers No. of Issues (Amount in Rs. Crores) Number of Issuers Number of Redemptions (Amount in Rs. Crores) No. of transfers (Amount in Rs. Crores) No. of transfers (Amount in Rs. Crores) (Amount in Rs. Crores) Number of Issuers No. of Instruments outstanding Net Outstanding Amount (Rs. In Crores)
September-20 Fixed Rate 2400 17948 3036883 499 1337 181464.1 359 843 114062.1 20029 -2152 555 30.42388 1011.815449 2470 18514 3103564
Floating Rate 519 2889 128711.5 67 286 17428.11 74 209 7003.288 1021 7.998797 164 1310.086 969.579697 523 3000 138861
Structured Notes 102 859 36818.57 19 116 2105.99 24 186 3455.335 -250 -72.32 0 0 39.34339387 105 841 35371.99
Others 554 2845 126888.7 191 722 5365.949 214 848 6372.166 2715 1.766973 194 1824.482 87.64543981 563 2770 127978.4
Total 3575 24541 3329302 776 2461 206364.1 671 2086 130892.9 -7703 -2216.28 546 3148.154 2108.38398 3661 25125 3405776
December-20 Fixed Rate 2470 18514 3103564.491 513 1339 197263.1153 397 929 110032.6024 7340 337.3082812 1188 -560.0588295 1532.06 2529 18978 3187887.553
Floating Rate 523 3000 138861.0206 77 313 32575.01572 84 204 7628.572744 738 -118.2587346 285 1.32919 987.92 539 3107 162165.8314
Structured Notes 105 841 35371.98639 17 72 1361.7233 23 151 2309.7533 98 235.3117187 0 0 96.13 109 860 34568.38415
Others 563 2770 127978.3866 186 734 8493.330188 211 712 6206.543788 1152 5.2070402 301 2.494470514 59.12 561 2802 130286.715
Total 3661 25125 3405775.885 793 2458 239693.1846 715 1996 126177.4722 -9726 458.408247 827 -725.746925 2675.23 3738 25747 3514908.484
Mar-21 Fixed Rate 2529 18978 3187887.55 475 1306 211038.88 419 1041 111206.30 -8209 -1605.70 1564 3144.67 -962.64 2594 19308 3282673.18
Floating Rate 539 3107 162165.83 76 261 20195.79 91 199 21283.05 745 1118.25 270 24.72 -1403.97 534 3176 161203.77
Structured Notes 109 860 34568.38 35 167 8335.12 28 165 2907.92 -1956 41.56 0 0.00 243.24 120 924 39795.34
Others 561 2802 130286.72 185 684 10636.36 222 807 11725.92 -603 -1041.83 364 159.17 -485.22 558 2710 128933.40
Total 3738 25747 3514908.48 771 2418 250206.15 760 2212 147123.19 -10023 -1487.72 2198 3328.56 -2608.58 3806 26118 3612605.69
Jun-21 Fixed Rate 2594 19307 3282672.24 417 1155 116495.70 420 987 95033.64 1732 -185.88 478 309.46 6945.94 2635 19502 3298066.48
Floating Rate 534 3175 161203.01 97 286 15639.13 65 216 6325.93 642 1162.04 55 0.16 -4592.95 556 3233 174458.12
Structured Notes 120 924 39795.34 30 171 4692.80 29 217 3970.49 447 370.01 0 0.00 294.55 129 919 40592.94
Others 558 2710 128933.40 205 750 5946.28 218 762 19449.34 326 -151.94 82 1.22 380.95 583 2696 114549.62
Total 3806 26116 3612603.99 749 2362 142773.91 732 2182 124779.40 3147 1194.24 615 310.84 3028.49 3903 26350 3627667.18
Sep-21 Fixed Rate 2613 19066 3293175.18 570 1590 237275.50 518 1268 172384.76 16398 34220.76 950 1743.21 4629.46 2689 19557 3353215.38
Floating Rate 540 3035 173431.30 159 520 27283.94 81 263 8717.44 1856 890.96 137 201.63 5.98 597 3267 190743.60
Structured Notes 130 920 40589.18 40 130 5087.28 27 111 6586.63 476 118.29 0 0.00 -3459.57 136 986 42587.07
Others 495 2046 113933.24 248 1042 11084.30 153 336 12633.16 1587 26.90 143 114.82 -1569.15 596 2759 114399.12
Total 3778 25067 3621128.89 1017 3282 280731.03 779 1978 200321.98 20317 35256.90 1230 2059.66 -393.27 4018 26569 3700945.17
Dec-21 Fixed Rate 2689 19557 3353215.38 544 1412 172297.55 468 1085 121853.78 16593 2628.42 798 376.05 4216.06 1923 12440 3328708.52
Floating Rate 597 3267 190743.60 102 281 18935.54 59 197 4430.99 2651 2359.93 107 8037.49 4765.05 422 936 192155.78
Structured Notes 136 986 42587.07 37 114 3546.39 29 114 2651.13 -105 427.06 0 0.00 93.70 140 1015 43716.54
Others 596 2759 114399.12 198 726 5570.74 228 752 7644.46 1888 92.00 160 2.19 89.35 282 1368 101461.77
Total 4018 26569 3700945.17 881 2533 200350.22 784 2148 136580.35 21027 5507.40 1065 8415.73 9164.16 2767 15759 3666042.60
Mar-22 Fixed Rate 2780 19925 3398329.63 653 1458 184987.28 411 920 170199.07 13037 5019.75 593 1591.53 -135795.05 3502.00 21398.00 3546658.56
Floating Rate 624 3343 207334.03 136 362 19967.29 53 116 5509.56 3276 3473.16 56 209.99 -22782.92 786.00 3682.00 243284.59
Structured Notes 148 1022 43803.15 26 110 3452.10 24 146 2241.11 33 442.28 0 0.00 -293.18 158.00 1089.00 45678.98
Others 589 2729 112187.15 222 803 11947.02 54 88 12373.41 2329 290.76 277 148.35 -69217.05 843.00 3189.00 181403.10
Total 4141 27019 3761653.96 1037 2733 220353.69 542 1270 190323.15 18675 9225.95 926 1949.87 -228088.21 5289.00 29358.00 4017025.23
Jun-22 Fixed Rate 3502.00 21398.00 3546658.56 556.00 1496.00 116164.00 423.00 969.00 177001.48 17034.00 2181.15 631.00 3141.82 6310.83 3558.00 21606.00 3479398.39
Floating Rate 786.00 3682.00 243284.59 121.00 348.00 16085.92 50.00 104.00 12636.97 3370.00 3110.38 6.00 58.40 -3851.91 810.00 3729.00 249868.84
Structured Notes 158.00 1089.00 45678.98 37.00 128.00 5624.85 36.00 198.00 4953.49 -13.00 209.46 0.00 0.00 109.77 166.00 1120.00 46449.86
Others 843.00 3189.00 181403.10 234.00 847.00 16986.28 69.00 117.00 16549.85 1860.00 321.09 443.00 1468.26 240.21 860.00 3290.00 182079.25
Total 5289.00 29358.00 4017025.23 948.00 2819.00 154861.05 578.00 1388.00 211141.79 22251.00 5822.08 1080.00 4668.48 2808.90 5394.00 29745.00 3957796.34
Sep-22 Fixed Rate 3558.00 21606.00 3479398.39 692.00 2237.00 219879.49 529.00 1209.00 146600.08 15667.00 2030.37 1066.00 923.12 2851.90 3650.00 22220.00 3544263.33
Floating Rate 810.00 3729.00 249868.84 164.00 572.00 12791.19 95.00 328.00 6048.30 3336.00 3574.89 -7.00 195.54 834.68 843.00 3794.00 252787.57
Structured Notes 166.00 1120.00 46449.86 47.00 165.00 8387.89 45.00 154.00 4912.59 -413.00 191.20 0.00 0.00 199.35 166.00 1166.00 49916.81
Others 860.00 3290.00 182079.25 246.00 1127.00 12894.24 135.00 283.00 9165.57 1389.00 -335.84 463.00 945.34 914.80 877.00 3421.00 183077.48
Total 5394.00 29745.00 3957796.34 1149.00 4101.00 253952.80 804.00 1974.00 166726.54 19979.00 5460.62 1522.00 2064.00 4800.72 5536.00 30601.00 4030045.19
Dec-22 Fixed Rate 3650 22220 3544263.33 640 1718 279658.55 379 899 126147.35 9426 3112.53 951 895.74 5710.35 2790 14643 3616404.72
Floating Rate 843 3794 252787.57 138 405 15088.27 60 105 7945.43 3344 3848.30 15 3808.57 523.29 612 1412 243445.41
Structured Notes 166 1166 49916.81 45 138 9168.57 48 107 4562.39 -59 208.15 0 0.00 88.66 162 1233 54575.54
Others 877 3421 183077.48 239 936 23816.28 59 88 9275.53 1843 -4342.39 187 2145.70 289.51 575 2004 175552.08
Total 5536 30601 4030045.19 1062 3197 327731.67 546 1199 147930.70 14554 2826.60 1153 6850.01 6611.81 4139 19292 4089977.75
Mar-23 Fixed Rate 3768 22672 3689291.15 680 1641 292083.79 401 861 171087.58 471 1628.30 949 1662.99 6931.99 3857 23134 3801739.28
Floating Rate 859 3923 262156.12 97 297 7952.76 72 123 10775.24 4318 5158.09 17 4465.23 418.90 863 3972 261782.61
Structured Notes 169 1236 54642.71 28 64 3489.62 44 148 4941.17 175 281.18 0 0.00 1129.58 172 1213 52338.31
Others 901 3534 193319.86 226 942 25776.19 68 115 16663.82 1811 -169.24 115 -2424.84 312.67 880 3534 197993.59
Total 5697 31365 4199409.84 1031 2944 329302.36 585 1247 203467.81 6775 6898.34 1081 3703.38 8793.13 5772 31853 4313853.80
Jun-23 Fixed Rate 3857 23134 3801739.28 700 2076 311373.88 469 1095 234265.42 10059 526.83 947 104073.98 6246.65 3916 23532 3870084.48
Floating Rate 863 3972 261782.61 109 349 15349.64 92 158 43908.03 3165 2651.72 20 118.16 526.59 861 3989 230392.11
Structured Notes 172 1213 52338.31 12 39 2260.62 41 106 4536.75 94 35.21 0 0.00 116.36 188 1220 49910.89
Others 880 3534 197993.59 253 1057 49534.54 60 128 21636.99 3051 407.89 92 693.50 1089.11 912 3775 223235.18
Total 5772 31853 4313853.80 1074 3521 378518.67 662 1487 304347.18 16369 3621.64 1059 104885.64 7978.70 5877 32516 4373622.66
Sep-23 Fixed Rate 3916 23532 3870084.48 666 1845 432125.62 428 965 376378.08 11800 3981.50 1199 1356.78 5002.78 3990 24051 3918574.48
Floating Rate 861 3989 230392.11 100 400 19947.47 56 103 12410.88 2543 2661.41 25 712.54 2239.95 882 4052 235188.93
Structured Notes 188 1220 49910.89 15 72 565.57 34 102 8248.09 -262 13.74 0 0.00 116.35 164 1235 42192.63
Others 912 3775 223235.18 252 1028 11139.11 56 109 12549.58 2798 601.88 82 1658.94 730.33 925 3862 220364.02
Total 5877 32516 4373622.66 1033 3345 463777.77 574 1279 409586.63 16879 7258.54 1306 3728.25 8089.41 5961 33200 4416320.06
Dec-23 Fixed Rate 3990 24051 3918574.48 692 1735 550279 365 756 133425 8890 4396 1046 481 276651.07 4057 24670 4055435.55
Floating Rate 882 4052 235188.93 114 376 22796 74 144 5184 1805 1839 28 497 10812.58 909 4192 242183.40
Structured Notes 164 1235 42192.63 14 41 1969 33 66 5357 480 -476 0 0 453.51 158 1309 37872.30
Others 925 3862 220364.02 244 1007 21502 42 59 9934 893 371 73 325 11898.47 947 3978 217672.83
Total 5961 33200 4416320.06 1064 3159 596546 514 1025 153900 12068 6129 1147 1302 299815.64 6071 34149 4553164.09

Source: NSDL& CDSL