
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of August 2012
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
Mauritius 69,454 181,488 20,728 20,890 292,560
United States Of America 82,804 205,927 599 207 289,538
Singapore 45,279 6,889 72,743 12,659 137,569
Luxembourg 27,363 60,506 0 4,180 92,049
United Kingdom 24,076 34,596 8,187 0 66,859
United Arab Emirates 35,200 1 0 0 35,201
Canada 10,967 10,104 234 0 21,305
Netherlands 12,518 5,037 1,920 686 20,161
Norway 96 12,440 0 6,775 19,310
Australia 9,771 6,917 253 0 16,941
Others 38,712 73,395 7,248 3,044 122,399
Grand Total 356,239 597,302 111,913 48,441 1,113,894
Data as  provided by custodians of securities