
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of February 2012
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
Mauritius 84,974 185,868 24,772 20,073 315,687
United States of America 84,911 202,651 620 386 288,569
Singapore 38,898 7,391 70,181 13,889 130,358
Luxembourg 28,864 55,423 0 3,226 87,513
United Kingdom 21,594 30,772 7,954 0 60,320
United Arab Emirates 35,835 1 227 0 36,063
Canada 9,237 10,464 223 25 19,949
Netherlands 10,687 5,400 1,201 622 17,910
Japan 1,709 13,576 0 1,583 16,868
Australia 8,522 7,729 253 0 16,504
Others 33,340 76,402 11,451 4,713 125,906
Grand Total 358,571 595,678 116,882 44,517 1,115,648
Data as  provided by custodians of securities