
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of May 2012
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
Mauritius 67,892 169,419 20,435 20,148 277,894
United States Of America 79,732 192,135 619 384 272,869
Singapore 39,060 6,613 72,334 12,624 130,630
Luxembourg 26,684 54,598 0 3,275 84,556
United Kingdom 21,527 30,597 6,232 0 58,356
United Arab Emirates 32,722 1 20 0 32,743
Canada 9,460 9,422 228 25 19,136
Netherlands 10,583 4,700 1,603 660 17,546
Japan 1,449 12,839 0 1,155 15,443
Norway 150 11,647 0 3,292 15,089
Others 38,878 63,578 10,991 2,836 116,284
Grand Total 328,137 555,549 112,463 44,398 1,040,547
Data as  provided by custodians of securities