
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of October 2012
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
Mauritius 83,223 196,477 22,287 20,552 322,539
United States Of America 87,960 225,654 601 223 314,438
Singapore 57,229 7,325 83,889 11,562 160,005
Luxembourg 28,596 67,497 0 5,205 101,297
United Kingdom 20,325 37,897 1,312 0 59,534
United Arab Emirates 38,468 1 0 0 38,469
Canada 12,162 10,758 237 0 23,157
Netherlands 14,051 5,621 2,081 690 22,444
Norway 103 13,852 0 6,813 20,768
Australia 10,234 7,641 253 0 18,128
Others 48,731 78,411 8,897 5,082 141,121
Grand Total 401,080 651,134 119,558 50,127 1,221,900
Data as  provided by custodians of securities