
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of February 2013
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
United States Of America 94,301 253,797 586 1,098 349,782
Mauritius 89,823 203,155 21,455 20,021 334,454
Singapore 71,871 7,771 92,844 9,545 182,031
Luxembourg 30,018 78,154 0 6,947 115,119
United Kingdom 19,353 42,891 2,120 0 64,365
United Arab Emirates 42,861 1 100 0 42,963
Canada 12,642 12,484 244 0 25,370
Norway 105 17,671 0 7,457 25,233
Netherlands 16,609 5,689 2,154 748 25,200
France 9,890 10,088 0 500 20,478
Others 56,317 76,137 8,984 6,066 147,504
Grand Total 443,791 707,838 128,487 52,381 1,332,496
Data as  provided by custodians of securities