
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of January 2013
Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
United States Of America 97,262 256,151 601 720 354,734
Mauritius 95,469 216,946 22,965 19,015 354,395
Singapore 72,130 10,321 89,655 11,005 183,111
Luxembourg 31,111 79,100 0 6,697 116,908
United Kingdom 20,395 43,047 1,828 0 65,270
United Arab Emirates 42,363 1 0 0 42,364
Canada 12,779 12,709 243 0 25,731
Netherlands 16,582 5,968 2,179 748 25,477
Norway 105 17,159 0 7,315 24,578
France 10,656 10,999 0 560 22,215
Others 62,205 80,920 7,576 5,384 156,085
Grand Total 461,057 733,319 125,046 51,444 1,370,866
Data as  provided by custodians of securities