
FII AUC data Country-wise (top 10 countries) for the Month of January 2014
S. No. Country AUC in Rs. Crore
Equity Debt Total
1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 119,197 305,854 3,208 2,309 430,567
2 MAURITIUS 91,018 196,880 9,761 14,123 311,781
3 SINGAPORE 83,173 10,506 52,162 4,557 150,398
4 LUXEMBOURG 30,510 82,262 0 7,879 120,651
5 UNITED KINGDOM 24,700 51,929 1,660 7 78,297
6 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 46,763 103 65 0 46,931
7 NORWAY 128 26,793 0 12,884 39,805
8 NETHERLANDS 21,476 6,395 2,828 811 31,511
9 CANADA 12,717 15,034 266 8 28,024
10 AUSTRALIA 12,309 12,769 30 0 25,108
11  Others 55,610 82,841 18,548 6,803 163,801
  Grand Total 497,601 791,365 88,527 49,381 1,426,875
Data as  provided by custodians of securities