Legal Affairs Department 1 (LAD 1)

Division of Policy 1 (DOP 1)

The division handles legal reference/informal guidance, policy issue/legislative drafting pertaining to the various departments of the Board such as Corporate Finance Department, Market Intermediaries Regulation and Supervision Department, Market Regulation Department, Recovery and Refund Department, etc. Further, the division also deals with the RTI matters and corresponds with the Parliament Question Cell.

Division of Policy 2 (DOP 2)

The division handles legal reference/informal guidance, policy issue/legislative drafting pertaining to the various departments of the Board such as Investment Management Department, Alternative Investment Fund and Foreign Portfolio Investors Department, Human Resources Department, Information Technology Department, General Services Department etc.

Division of Policy 3 (DOP 3)

The division handles legal reference/informal guidance, policy issue/legislative drafting pertaining to the various departments of the Board such as Department of Debt and Hybrid Securities, Office of International Affairs etc. Further, the division also deals with the legislative drafting of various Acts and Rules associated with the securities market. The division is also nodal division for the Office of Informant Protection.

Division of Policy 4 (DOP 4)

The division handles legal reference/informal guidance, policy issue/legislative drafting pertaining to the various departments of the Board such as Integrated Surveillance Department, Office of Investor Assistance and Education, Investigation Department, Department of Economic & Policy Analysis etc. Further, the division also corresponds with the Official Language Department for compliance with the official language policies.