सामान्य सेवा (सामान्य सेवा)

Treasury and Accounts Division

The Division will handle work related to: - Development of SEBI’s internal budget and accounting systems - Presentation of reports and budgets to the SEBI Board - Maintaining internal accounting records, developing internal control systems for collections and disbursements and other financial controls - Managing SEBI’s investments

Facilities Management Division

The division will be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the physical facility housing the regulator and related needs.

Official Language Division

The Division will handle the work related to compliance with Government’s official language policy and Translation of certain documents into the official language.

Office of the Secretary to the Board

The Office of the Secretary shall coordinate Board meetings, record and maintain Board decisions.

Protocol and Security Division

The division will handle work related to: - Protocol duties for visits/ meetings of senior officials of SEBI and coordinating visits of dignitaries to SEBI, - Security and Firefighting duties in the office and residential premises of SEBI, - Functioning of mailing desk and reception, - General upkeep of the office premises and maintenance of SEBI buildings, - Verification of dead stock inventory for SEBI's offices and residential premises