Corporation Finance Department (CFD)

Note: SEBI follows the transparent procedure for processing various applications received from intermediaries. By and large, reply is sent to the applicant within a period of 30 days. Once the requirements are complied with, as advised in our letter, the desired service, such as, grant of registration, cancelation of registration etc. is completed. The applicants may please note that in case they provide incomplete / vague information or supporting documents, wherever required, are not enclosed, this may lead to further correspondence and delay in processing of their applications. In case the application has remained unattended or there is an inordinate delay, the applicant should not hesitate in writing to the respective Division Chief or the Executive Director, whose contact details are mentioned in the website.

- Division of Corporate Restructuring

Activities Timelines

Observations on the offer documents.

21 days from the date of filing with SEBI

Disposal of an application made u/r 4 (2)

60 days

Examination of Complaints on alleged violations

20 days

Disposal of a report submitted u/r 3(4)

20 days

- Division of Issues and Listing

Activities Timelines

Observations on the offer documents.

30 days from the date of receipt of such draft offer document or 15 days from the date of receipt of satisfactory reply to the additional clarifications sought by SEBI, from the merchant banker(s).

Listing related issues ( Preferential offers, exemption from Rule 19(2)(b) etc)

21 days from the date of letter giving satisfactory replies to the clarifications sought.